This is a pigeon.
But I'm assuming you know that.
Pigeons like cities.
They like to annoy people.
And they like warm cozy roofs of schools.
Especially when the tiles on the overhangs blow off in huge windstorms and they can fly up inside and explore the whole empty space including air vents and the like.
I also think think they like the sound of my voice.
Why else would the pigeons congregate in the ceiling in my classroom and spend the first three hours of the schoolday cooing and fluttering and being an incredible distraction to all my students?
I hope Tom (our building manager) can get them all out. Last year he said this happened and he got six pigeons out of the roof and had to chase them down the hallways at the school and out the door. I can only imagine trying to teach a lesson on metaphor while THAT is going on in and or outside the door of my classroom.
On another note, I got together with some of my best friends in the entire world this weekend. Janie, Amanda, Kati, Annie, and I all had a luncheon (which turned into an entire day, evening, and night) at Janie's house. It was so great to talk about anything and everything with such wonderful people. Janie, Amanda, and I stuck around after the lunch (Annie and Kati had other obligations) and sat on the floor of Janie's living room until 9:30. We didn't even eat dinner or do anything really besides talk and play with Isabelle. It was awesome. I'm glad we are all in the same state, even if we don't see each other as often as I would wish. There is just something about friends that you've known since first grade or before that is simply special. Thanks to all my friends out there, but especially those who still love me even though they know WAY too much about me. I love you all.
When I lived in Canada my employer allowed us to cary BB guns and we could shoot dead any pigeon we saw on site. Maybe that might help with the pigeon problem.
Haha that is great. Too bad my building manager is a hippy kill-no-living-creature type of fact last year he adopted a baby pigeon he got out of the roof. He told me all about it...
Nothing like another exciting day teaching. . .
Ha - I love it.
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